Poisonous Sea Life 1
While being attacked by poisonous sea life is not a realistic concern, accidentally touching or being touched is a caution we should strive to remember. As well, if you are unsure about a sea creature, it is best not to touch it. |
Rays possess a poisonous needle in their tail. They often sit on the sandy bottom, so watch your step. Electric rays can deliver a mean shock.
■Wasp scorpionfish
Nocturnal by nature, wasp scorpionfish by day conceal themselves in the silt. Be careful of your foot placements, since these fish have poisonous spines along their back. |
■Sea Catfish
These fish have poisonous spines along their back. Young fry gather in large schools, and these fish live among rock groupings.
With beautiful, feather-like fins, this eye-catching fish’s poisonous spines are dangerous. |
These fish have poisonous spines along their back. Residing in rocky areas, they completely mimic their surroundings, so be careful when touching rocks. |

■Sea Snake
With poison more potent than a cobra, these snakes live in warm waters and, as air breathers, can regularly be seen to surface for air before diving in search of prey. |