By putting air into our BC from our tank, we can use the volume of air to control our buoyancy. In times of emergency, resting at the water’s surface, or when moving, divers can ensure their buoyancy. Further, by careful use of air in our BC, we can achieve neutral buoyancy when underwater. The BC’s harness on the back holds the tank in place.
There are jacket-type and back mount-type BCs. The jacket BC has two variations: the first, by way of adjustable shoulder/chest straps, allows us to fine-tune donning and taking off the BC, whereas the second is a fixed vest shape. |
There are two methods to inflating your BC: the first is to push the power inflator’s inflation button; the second is to orally inflate by blowing into the inflator’s exhaust while pressing the inflator’s exhaust button. To avoid over-inflation, there is at least one relief valve built in to most BCs that will automatically release excess air. Although uncommon, there are some inflator hoses that, when pulled, release air. |