Skin Diver Manual


Welcome to the underwater world!

Medical Check-up

Skin Diver Course Completion

Skin Diving Equipment

Gear Preparation and Maintenance

Using Your Equipment

Skin Diving Skill

Rules and Manners

Safety Management

Important Points for Ocean Practice
Ear Equalization

Mask Blow

Mask Clear

Dangerous Breathing Methods – Hyperventilation

Light and Color

Poisonous Sea Life 1

Poisonous Sea Life 2

Aggressive Sea Life

Transform into a Fish on your Holidays

Medical Check-up

Skin diving requires a sound mind and body. Below are some illnesses that, depending on the severity, preclude skin diving. Please consult with your instructor.


Ear illness

nose illness

bronchial asthma

tuberculosis or other respiratory illness

heart disease

kidney disease

other ailments, high blood pressure, diabetes, highly sensitive allergies.


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